Charles Viollette Industrial Chair

UMRt BioEcoAgro at the heart of the bioeconomy

The Charles Viollette Industrial Chair is initiating a public-private collaborative project in the Lille European Metropolis and the Hauts-de-France Region on the valorisation of (co)products of plant origin by industrial biotechnology tools (fermentation and enzymatic biocatalysis). 

The chair is based on the strong skills of UMRt 1158 BioEcoAgro and INAF (Institute of Nutrition and Functional Foods in Quebec), within the framework of the Associated International Laboratory on Natural Antimicrobials (LIAAN), and associates the industrial partners APEF (Association of French Endives Producers), Leroux, PremierTech, Eurabiotech, VFBioscience, Gecco and Extractis. 

The aim of this project is to bring together the existing supply and demand for (co)products of plant origin in a large number of sectors, which will result in the consideration of all the players in the value chain, producers, processors and users.

The Charles Viollette Chair is supported by the MEL, the I-SITE and the IAR and ClubsterNSL competitiveness clusters. 
Project duration 36 months (2021-2024). 

Contacts: Rénato FROIDEVAUX [] and François COUTTE [].