Research laboratory in agri-food and biotechnology
Agro-food and biotechnology research laboratory
Developing sustainable
agriculture and food
The Institute's ambition is to improve food quality and safety from farm to fork through the sourcing, characterisation and bioproduction of molecules of interest from natural sources, through the development and optimisation of clean technologies and processes.
A laboratory
spread over 9 sites in Hauts-de-France

In its current configuration, the Institut Charles Viollette is multi-site and its premises are located at the University of Lille in the biological engineering department of the Polytech Lille engineering school, the Faculty of Science and Technology, the IUT A, at the Ecole Centrale de Lille in the EQUIPEX REALCAT premises, at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences, at the University of ARTOIS in the premises of ADRIANOR in ARRAS, at Ulco recently in the premises of ANSES in Boulogne and at the Catholic University of Lille in the premises of the Higher School of Agriculture, Agri-food, Environment and Landscape of Lille (ISA) of the engineering school YNCREA, recently at the Catholic Institute of Arts and Trades (ICAM) and on the site of Inra Hauts de France and Estrées-Mont.
News from
the Institut Charles Viollette
SFR Campus de la Mer